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Before choosing a CV template, decide what signal you want to send to the employer.
Here are some examples of angles you can take in the form of a:
For example, if we take a "Video CV", you make a video and post it on your YouTube channel. Just remember to set your video not to be public, otherwise everyone can watch your video. You then send the link to the video to the employer, or you upload your video to the recruitment platform the employer uses.
If we take another example, namely an "Academic CV", it typically includes references to publications that you have made, and foreign words and academic terms are often used.
No matter what template and layout you use, it's about making the right CV, it’s about choosing the right kind of CV and making it stand out, we'll take a closer look at that here:
A great CV is characterised by the following points:
And now we are ready to look at an example of a CV.
In the following example, try to spot if the CV contains the above 7 points?
One of the above points is not optimally written, see if you find the error.
The fault in the above example is that Olivia has not written a good personal statement. She writes: "Assists the department head in carrying out digital marketing". It’s not impactful and doesn’t highlight her skills and experience in a succinct manner.
Olivia could have written something about
Maybe you think that Olivia's CV is perfect, and that leads us to an important point, is there is the perfect CV?
You can easily imagine that 2 different HR collaborators each have their own ideas as to what the best CV is. So bearing that in mind, the best CV unfortunately does not exist.
Having said that, you can strive to write the best CV for you. So let´s question ourselves.
What to include in a CV?
The best CV includes some categories - 1) Must be included - 2) Can be included - 3) May not be included.
So let's look at what the best CV should contain in a priority order.
If you want inspiration on how to create your CV, look here.
There are a many CV templates on the internet. They are available at:
Sometimes there may be a fee involved, if you choose to pay for the use of a CV template just be aware if it is a one-time payment or a continuous subscription.
But if you prefer not to pay for your CV template, you also have a number of options.
Not everything that costs money is good, so you can easily make the perfect CV without it costing money. So what do you do?
You can ask your job center or your educational institution if they have a link, or some good examples of a CV.
You can also choose to use Olivia's CV for inspiration, which you can see above.
Alternatively, just search the internet for a free resume template.
But we are not quite there yet. If you would like to see how to make an application, you can click below: