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Student job, study job or student assistant. Same thing, different names. So let’s define what a student job actually is.
A student job is one that you have alongside your studies. The job may be relevant to studies, but does not have to be. The student job has no relation to term plans or assignments related to a course. The weekly working time for a student job is recommended by universities to be a maximum of 10-15 hours.
If you apply for a student job while you are at a secondary shool or high school or similar level, then you may receive a salary in the range of an unskilled worker as you have not yet finished your education.
The salary in a student job while studying for a bachelor's or master's degree may depend on what you are studying. For example, IT students are in short supply among employers, which is why the salary is generally a little higher.
Wage range also depends on whether the employers have a collective agreement. For example, if you find a student job in the public sector, then you will probably follow the agreement from the academics' union, if you are already a bachelor.
Conversely, in the private sector there may not be an agreement. So this is an ordinary wage negotiation. However, do not expect a director's salary. You are currently only “on the way” into the job market, so be realistic when negotiating wages, otherwise you may not get the job.
What is a good student job? It depends both on your expectations but also how much time you can give to it whilst studying.
It is therefore very important that during the job interview you ask what the student job entails and what it absolutely does not include. This way you can avoid frustrations and garner a clear picture of both your and the employers expectations.
Finding the so called good student jobs can sometimes be a challenge. You can help yourself by not searching too narrowly geographically and in terms of industry. Some students have lost the chance to be hired simply by focusing on only working for very specific employer, which has a strong brand.
Instead, try watching this video, which is about finding a great student job.