Reset your password below is Denmark's job portal for: Pupils, trainees, trainees, students who are looking for new job opportunities.
At, the idea is not that there are jobs where the employer specifically wants the employee to be under 18 years of age. According to a ruling from the EU Supreme Court in 2013, it is legal to fire an employee when the employee reaches the age of 18. The ruling confirms that it is legal for young people under the age of 18 to receive a lower salary, compared to colleagues who have reached the age of 18. If you, as an employer, only want to get applicants who are under 18 years of age, then use this link. is a niche portal, so your job posting does not drown in the amount of, for the young, irrelevant job postings. Here you can only post: Student jobs, student, trainee and internships. is the clear solution that acts as a link between the company and the student. The most important thing for us is that it is easy and flexible for you.
At you can easily choose the advertising period, and there is also the option of annual agreements, or make special agreements if you have a great need for advertising. Nothing is out of the question. tailors a package that exactly fits your company's needs, even if you work for a public authority and need invoicing via the Danish EAN numbers. In those cases, please email: gives you access to a great recruitment interface, where you can easily manage the applications that may come. Here you also have direct access to statistics on your job postings. Once you have created a job posting with us, you can link up with your Facebook page, or Twitter account, and share the job posting with your entire network.
We wish you a lot of fun with your job postings!
We are experts in our target group: Young people between 13-30 years equal to the generations Y and Z.
To book a meeting, or to hear more: Contact
Our vision is to give young people the best conditions to have a good and happy adult life.
As a young person, the acquaintance with the job market usually starts via leisure jobs, and over time via: Jobs abroad, jobs during the sabbatical year, full-time positions, student jobs, internships or study jobs. We believe in the whole person and have a holistic view. That is why we guide the young people via: and In this way, we cater for both young people and employers at the right time and place.
A social responsibility with the young people in focus is important to us. That is why we have, among other things, helped: Families with children with cancer, and together with young people in Denmark, helped a green bicycle concept for students in Kenya and Sri Lanka.
We have built the bridge that your company needs to make the optimal Employer Branding. Students should not only pitches shortly before they graduate. Employer Branding is an ongoing process, and therefore Novo Nordisk uses the job portal for Employer Branding.
You are also very welcome to contact to hear more about your options, so contact
If you are in doubt about whether your job belongs on or not, the following link gives you good guidance on this: Job titles
As a journalist, you are always welcome to: Contact