Jobs in Odense
There are many jobs in Odense and there are even more student jobs in Funen.
As a student assistant from “Syddansk Universitet” you can contribute with your newly acquired theory in the daily operation, or come up with new strategic perspectives. Hereby, a student assistant is helping to create great value in their future workplace.
In Odense, there are a large number of exciting local companies. If you work with IT and robots, then Odense is a really good place for you to look for a job, for example at Odense Robotics. In addition, Odense is Denmark's third largest city, so there are a large number of companies that have either headquarters or a branch in Odense.
Dropshipping in Denmark
Now that we are talking about large industries in Odense, dropshipping is also an interesting industry when we talk about jobs in Funen.
Dropshipping is where a retail company sells an item to a customer, but does not store items in stock. On the other hand, it makes the supplier the customer and the seller is therefore just a link between the original supplier and the customer.
A job within dropshipping can, for example, consist of maintaining and writing good articles for a shopify webshop, where dropshipping is offered.
A dropshipping supplier does not have to come from abroad. It can easily be from Denmark. In both cases it is an advantage to be good at communication and English.
Student job - number of hours?
If you are a student the number of hours that you can work in your study job depends on how your study program is composed. Having said that, the universities recommend that you have a maximum of 15 hours a week where you work in your student job, alongside your education.
If you work 15 hours per week, then it can generate a nice income to supplement your SU (State educational grant in Denmark).
When you finish your studies, you can consider whether it would be a good idea to continue in your study job until you have found a full time job.
Jobs in Odense - over 18 years
Companies use the word ‘student job’ a little differently. You can therefore see job postings where a retail store would like to hire you if you are under 18 years of age.
A student job for someone over 18 can be both a job during your sabbatical year, or as a part time job alongside your studies.
If you are looking for a student job in Odense over the age of 18, then either look for vacancies in Odense - student job on Funen, or vacancies on Funen.