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Moving to Denmark - What you need to know!

Moving to Denmark

In this guide, you'll discover the usual steps students and expats take when they're getting established in Denmark.

Denmark is located in the northern part of Europe so the weather is a bit unpredictable. One minute there’s sunny skies, the next it's a downpour.

However, you are not reading this article about moving to Denmark if you are not up for new experiences, so here is a list of things you have to take care of before moving to Denmark and the first things you have to do after your arrival.

Before moving to Denmark

  1. Find a job
  2. Find out if you need to apply for a residence and work permit (EU/EEA/Swiss citizens can reside in Denmark according to special regulations. You can apply for an EU residence document upon arrival in Denmark.) For more information check out the official site for newcomers to Denmark offering public information and self-service hosted by the Agency for Digital Government
  3. Learn about Denmark
  4. Study the Danish culture
  5. If you are not going on your own then find out how to bring your family / loved ones
  6. Find out about housing. It might be a challenge to rent an apartment that will accept pets
  7. If you have children, find out about schools

After your arrival

  1. Obtain a European Union residence document (if you're living in Denmark under EU regulations)
  2. Secure accommodation and establish a permanent address
  3. Register as a resident and obtain a CPR number which is a Danish personal ID number
  4. The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI) is your initial stop if you're going to Denmark to study or work. SIRI sorts out EU residence papers for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and arranges residence and work permits for those from other countries
  5. The International Citizen Service (ICS) operates in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg, Sønderborg, and Esbjerg. ICS offers registration services such as obtaining EU residence documents, CPR numbers, MitID, and guidance on applying for a tax card to international residents staying in Denmark for more than three months. It's a joint effort between various Danish authorities
  6. Register with a doctor - ask at the local authority to get a list of doctors who are open for new clients
  7. Get a MitID which you will use via an app for many things as Denmark is a highly digitalised
  8. Get your yellow health insurance card
  9. Contact to get your tax card. The Danish Tax Agency is ready to guide you at (+45) 7222 2780
  10. If you are a parent sign your children up for day care. There might be a waiting list in this regard
  11. Get a bike if you want it. Cycling is a Danish way of life. Danes are pedal pushers. Bikes aren't just for joyrides. You can use them for commuting, hauling goods and family outings. In Denmark you can get a bike where you can take a joy ride with your children or transport your children to the kindergarten. It's called a: Christiania cykel. Check it out on the web. It might look a little odd but it's very practical
  12. Although international credit cards are accepted almost everywhere, open a bank account so you can get paid at work and pay your rental etc

When settled

  1. Import your car. You need to pay registration tax in order to get Danish number plates. The Motor Vehicle Agency is called: Motorstyrelsen, in Denmark
  2. You can swap your license for a Danish one within 180 days of arrival if you want to keep driving in Denmark. And don't worry, you don't need to take another driving test for the exchange. More information is to be found at the Danish road traffic authority called: Færdselsstyrelsen
  3. Register with a dentist. You can use to find one. It's like yellow pages
  4. Get to know your rights as an employee
  5. Read your digital Post via E-boks which is explained below
  6. Although you will find it easy to get around as an English speaking person and Danish is just a tough language to pronounce and learn, it will be a good way to learn about the Danish culture, by starting to learn Danish
  7. Start socialising by join a club or association
  8. If you have any free time, a great way to make new friends is to volunteer for example at Mødrehjælpen

Denmark is a digital country

Denmark is on a path to completely abandon cash as a form of payment. By turning to digital payments, Denmark is aiming to:

  • Lower costs for merchants
  • Offer better security
  • Make it harder for criminals to launder money

Danes are open to new technology and trust in institutions so Denmark might be one of the world’s first cashless societies.


  • MobilePay is an app which has been around since 2013. Within MobilePay you can make a group and split bills easily without doing the maths. It's a hit among Danes and expats


  • Rejseplanen is your ticket to figuring out how to get from A to B using public transit

Google maps

  • Whether you will go to work, find your new residence or enjoy your new life in Denmark by foot or car, Google maps will be your best buddy. Meanwhile, it's not legal to hold your smartphone whilst driving or cycling


  • March is tax time in Denmark. Your tax assessment notice, aka your financial report card for the year, drops in E-tax. It will tell you if you are due a refund or if you have tax to pay


  • E-boks is Denmark's largest and most popular online postbox. Log in via Mit ID and get access to your post from:
    • The government
    • Your bank
    • The insurance company
    • And many more

Digital payments

  • When you have found a bank ask them if their app can scan invoices to make payments faster. You can for example do this via the biggest bank of Denmark: Danske Bank. It's smart and easy

Now you know about the most important things regarding Denmark as a digital country, but there are also things to be aware of.

Be aware of job scams

Watch out for fraudulent job offers in Denmark.

Have you come across a job offer that seems too good to be true? According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, job offer scams are orchestrated by individuals, often through social media, who fabricate offers targeting professionals seeking international opportunities.

These scammers pose as recruitment agents for Danish companies, tricking professionals into believing they've secured a job in Denmark. They typically demand significant sums of money for their supposed services.

Stay informed about the process of obtaining a work visa. The official channels for information are the website of the Embassy of Denmark in your country and the New In Denmark portal via The Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI). Here, you'll find comprehensive instructions on applying for a work permit, including details about fees. Approval or rejection of applications is determined by the Danish Immigration Service.

Exercise caution regarding job offers on Facebook. There has been a rise in fraudulent activities related to job seeking in various Facebook groups. It's advisable to conduct background checks on the companies mentioned in these posts and on the individuals posting the advertisements.

Beware of recruitment agencies claiming they can secure you a visa. While they can facilitate contact with Danish companies, recruitment agencies cannot provide work permits. To obtain a work permit, you must personally receive a specific job offer from a company in Denmark. Once you have an offer, you and the Danish company can jointly apply for a work permit.

Where to search for real jobs in Denmark? Check out which is a job board with Danish origins.

You can verify by looking up registered phone numbers in Denmark online at (in Danish). However, note that even false companies may have registered numbers. To validate a company's existence, consult the Danish state's "Central Business Register," where all Danish companies are listed. Keep in mind that an offer may reference a legitimate company but still be fraudulent.

Be wary: Legitimate companies typically don't use Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, or similar email domains, opting instead for their own domains. Also, a website may appear genuine but use a false email ID. Use to verify information about Danish companies.

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