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Emerging talent - See how to develop talents

Emerging talent

Emerging talent refers to individuals who are in the early stages of their career or who have recently entered a particular field or industry and show promising potential. These individuals may possess a combination of skills, abilities and innovative thinking that can make a significant impact in their chosen area.

Here are some key characteristics and considerations related to emerging talent:

  • Emerging talent typically demonstrates high potential and aptitude in their respective field. They may possess a natural inclination, passion or curiosity for their work and often exhibit a strong desire to learn and grow

  • Emerging talent tends to be adaptable and agile in their approach. They are open to new ideas, willing to embrace change and can quickly learn and apply new skills and technologies

  • Creativity and innovation: Emerging talent often brings fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to their work. They may think outside the box, challenge existing norms and have the ability to generate creative solutions to problems

  • Continuous learning: Individuals with emerging talent are usually eager to learn and develop themselves. They actively seek out opportunities for growth, whether through formal education, training programs, mentorship or self directed learning

  • Emerging talent recognises the importance of collaboration and teamwork. They are effective communicators, actively participate in group discussions, and contribute their ideas and expertise to the collective effort

  • Technology savviness: In today's digital age, emerging talent often possesses strong technology skills. They are comfortable with digital tools, platforms and technologies relevant to their field and can leverage them effectively to enhance their work

emerging talent
  • Resilience and adaptability: Emerging talent understands that setbacks and challenges are part of the learning process. They exhibit resilience in the face of obstacles, learn from failures and are willing to adapt their approach to achieve their goals

  • Providing mentorship and guidance to emerging talent is crucial for their development. Experienced professionals can offer support, advice and knowledge sharing opportunities to help them navigate their career paths successfully

  • Recognition and Opportunities: Recognising and acknowledging the achievements and potential of emerging talent is essential for their motivation and growth. Providing them with opportunities to take on challenging projects, responsibilities or leadership roles can further nurture their development

  • Promoting diversity and inclusion is important in supporting emerging talent. Embracing individuals from different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences can foster creativity, innovation and a broader range of ideas within the organisation

Now we are done with the characteristics of talents. The next part is the development of talents.

Talent development

Talent development refers to the process of nurturing and enhancing the skills, knowledge and abilities of individuals within an organisation or any other context. It involves identifying and cultivating the potential of talented individuals to help them reach their full potential and contribute to the organisation's goals like:

talent development
  • Talent development starts with identifying individuals who exhibit exceptional abilities or potential in a specific area. This could be done through various means such as assessments, performance evaluations, feedback from managers or mentors or observation of their skills

  • Once talented individuals are identified, it is important to set clear goals for their development. These goals should be aligned with the individual's strengths, interests and the organisation's needs. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound (SMART) goals can help provide clarity and direction

  • Talent development often involves providing training and educational opportunities to individuals to enhance their knowledge and skills. This could include workshops, seminars, online courses, certifications, mentoring programs or on the job training. The focus is on developing both technical and soft skills necessary for success

  • Coaching and mentoring: Pairing talented individuals with experienced mentors or coaches can be highly beneficial. Mentors can provide guidance, support and advice based on their own experience and expertise, helping the individual navigate challenges, develop new perspectives and make informed decisions

  • Stretch assignments and projects: Providing talented individuals with challenging assignments or projects that go beyond their current responsibilities can help them learn and grow. These opportunities allow them to apply their skills in new contexts, develop new capabilities and gain valuable experience

  • Regular feedback and performance evaluations are essential for talent development. Constructive feedback helps individuals understand their strengths and areas for improvement, while performance evaluations provide an opportunity to assess progress and make adjustments to the development plan

  • Succession planning: Talent development also involves planning for the long term success of the organisation by identifying potential leaders and successors for key roles. This ensures a smooth transition and continuity when key individuals leave or are promoted

  • Talent development is an ongoing process that requires a culture of continuous learning. Encouraging individuals to seek out new learning opportunities, stay updated with industry trends and embrace personal development can foster a culture of growth within the organisation

With the eight points of talent development in mind we are ready to see how a talent programme can be done.

Talent programmes

Talent programmes, also known as talent management programmes or talent development programmes, are structured initiatives implemented by organisations to identify, develop and retain high potential employees.

These programmes aim to nurture and maximise the capabilities of talented individuals, aligning their skills and aspirations with organisational goals.

Talent programmes often encompass various activities, strategies and interventions to support the growth and success of employees. Here are some common types of talent programmes:

  1. High-Potential: These programmes focus on identifying and grooming employees who demonstrate exceptional potential for leadership or advancement within the organisation. High potential employees are provided with targeted development opportunities, such as specialised training, mentoring, stretch assignments and exposure to senior leaders

  2. Succession planning: Programs aim to ensure a smooth transition of key positions within an organisation by identifying and preparing potential successors. These programmes involve identifying critical roles, assessing potential candidates and providing them with development opportunities to prepare them for future leadership positions

  3. Leadership development: Programmes focus on developing the skills and competencies required for effective leadership. These programmes often include training in areas such as strategic thinking, decision making, communication, team management and change management. They may also incorporate assessments, coaching and mentoring to support leadership growth

  4. Mentorship: Programmes pair employees with experienced mentors who provide guidance, support and career advice. Mentors share their knowledge and expertise, helping mentees develop their skills, navigate challenges and broaden their perspectives. Mentorship programmes can be formal or informal, depending on the organisation's structure and goals

  5. Learning and development: Programmes encompass a range of initiatives designed to enhance employees' knowledge and skills. These programmes may include workshops, seminars, online courses, certifications and on the job training. By investing in continuous learning, organisations promote talent development and stay abreast of industry trends

  6. Talent assessment and feedback: Regular talent assessments and feedback processes provide individuals with insights into their strengths, areas for improvement and career development opportunities. These assessments may involve performance evaluations, competency assessments, 360-degree feedback and psychometric assessments. Feedback helps individuals understand their progress and areas to focus on for growth

  7. Diversity and inclusion: Programmes aim to create an inclusive and equitable workplace where all individuals can thrive. These programmes promote diverse talent recruitment, provide equal opportunities for growth and foster a culture of inclusion that values different perspectives and experiences

  8. Employee recognition: Programs acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of talented employees. Recognising their efforts boosts motivation, engagement and retention. Recognition can take various forms, including awards, incentives, public appreciation or career advancement opportunities

If you have an international company, check this out.

Global talent management strategy


A successful global talent management strategy revolves around the core aims of recruiting, developing, deploying and retaining the right people within an organisation.

Let's explore each of these aims in more detail:

  • Recruit: The first step in talent management is attracting and selecting the right individuals for the organisation. This involves identifying the specific skills, competencies and cultural fit required for success in various roles. Global talent management strategies often involve sourcing talent from diverse backgrounds and locations to create a workforce that reflects the organisation's global footprint and can effectively operate in different markets

  • Develop: Once talented individuals are recruited, the next aim is to develop their skills, knowledge and capabilities to enhance their performance and potential. Development can take various forms, such as: Providing training programmes, mentoring, coaching, job rotations and exposure to different business functions or international assignments. The focus is on nurturing talent and equipping individuals with the necessary skills and experiences to succeed in their current and future roles

Global talent management
  • Deploy: Deploying talent involves placing individuals in positions where their skills and strengths can be effectively utilised. This entails aligning employees' expertise and aspirations with organisational needs and strategic objectives. Global talent management strategies often involve international assignments or cross border collaborations to leverage the diverse perspectives and experiences of employees across different regions

  • Retain: Retaining talented individuals is crucial for the long term success of an organisation. This involves creating a supportive and engaging work environment that motivates employees to stay and grow within the organisation. Retention strategies may include: Offering competitive compensation packages, providing opportunities for career advancement and progression, recognising and rewarding achievements, fostering work life balance and creating a positive organisational culture that values diversity and inclusivity

By aligning recruitment, development, deployment and retention efforts, organisations can build a strong pipeline of talented individuals who are capable of driving success in a globalised world. A comprehensive, global talent management strategy enables organisations to attract, develop and retain the right people, fostering a high performance culture and ensuring sustainable growth and competitiveness in the global marketplace.

How to attract talent is an important skill within human resources. Let's dig into it:

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