Part time jobs
A part time job is less than 37 hours per week. The vast majority have a part time job of less than 15 hours if they go to school or study at the same time. The main rule is that your part time job must not affect your schooling. In addition the younger you are, the fewer hours you may have. The earliest you can your first part time job is when are you are 13 years old. This has been adopted in the EU, to avoid child labour.
If you have a sabbatical year, you can easily have more than one part time job.
A part time job has regular part time hours. Meanwhile, a leisure job is a casual job where it ebbs and flows with the hours and sometimes even the weeks.
What leisure jobs can you apply for?
If you are between 13 to 15 years old, the common word is light work. With light work it should be understood that you do not overload your body. It can be light:
- Service in the retail business
- Receipt, counting, sorting, price marking and packaging of goods (under 18 years you can lift up to 12 kg)
- Cleaning (except for hazardous chemicals - get to know the warning symbols)
- Cleaning up an office or warehouse (as long as you are not near dangerous machines)
- Office work
How do I get a part time job?
When you are looking for a part time job, it is natural to look near your school or where you live, so you do not have to spend so much time commuting.
Maybe you think about which leisure job will pay the most? It's not necessarily the best thing to focus on. Of course, you should not be underpaid, but do not expect to become a millionaire through your part time job.
If you are under 18 years of age, the companies are happy to give you a lower salary - compared to the people who have reached the age of 18. This is because the EU has chosen to make it easy for young people to get a job, through a wage competitive advantage. In this way, we ensure that young people are introduced to the labour market.
If you are looking for a part time job after you have turned 18, your salary will typically be governed by an agreement that your employer has entered into with 3F, HK or another trade union. If there is no agreement, it is you who is 100% responsible for negotiating your salary.
Vacancies can be found at
You can choose to apply for a part time job in different ways
- You search via the front page of Findjobhub
- You create a free job search through Findjobhub
If you create a job search, you enter the post codes where you are looking for a part time job. You also mark the types of part time jobs that you would like to work with, for example café and restaurant, retail, office.
We wish you all the best in your search for a part time job.