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As part of the recruitment process, you as an applicant may encounter several different types of tests. The most common are personality tests, case interviews and intelligence tests - or the IQ test as it is also called.
In recent years, the intelligence test has become more and more popular as part of the recruitment process. But what is it really and why is it necessary at all?
Here we focus exclusively on the part of the recruitment process that deals with the intelligence test.
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For example, psychologist Howard Gardner has found multiple different types of intelligence that he has demonstrated all humans have, but to varying degrees. Gardner hoped that with his demonstration he could do away with the notion that there is only a linguistic and a logical intelligence and prove that intelligence can be many things.
Different types of intelligence can include:
Linguistic / verbal
The ability to be good at reading, writing and communicating.
Logical / mathematical
The ability to be good at calculating and thinking logically.
Visual / spacious
The ability to imagine different situations
The ability to play, sing and compose. Generally have a good ear for obedient nuances and music.
The ability to be aware of using one's own body, have good reflexes and learn best through movement. Possess body control.
Social / interpersonal
The ability to interact with other people and "read" others through, for example, body language.
Self insight / intra personal
The ability to be in touch with one's own body and emotions. You set aside time for self reflection and in that way get to know yourself better.
Although the test is a test of your intelligence - which can be difficult to change immediately - there are some things you can do to prepare yourself as best you can - both before, but also for what you can expect from the test itself.
Before - how do you best prepare?
Ask about the specific test and the test process
Have control of the basics, ie arithmetic rules, grammar and so on
Take an IQ test online or read the books written about IQ tests
Practice - again and again
Meanwhile, what are you measured on?
For an intelligence test, you are primarily measured in three areas:
A linguistic / verbal part where you are tested in, among other things, vocabulary and grammar
A mathematical part where you are tested in arithmetic problems, such as probability calculus, equations and so on
A logical / abstract part where you are tested in how good you are at perceiving logical contexts and abstract patterns
After - what then?
After the test, your answers will be compared with a control group which shows whether you are below, at the level or above the control group. In addition, your answers in the test will also tell something about your precision, care and risk profile.
The idea with the IQ scale is primarily that, as the name suggests, one categorises human intelligence into low, normal or high intelligence.
The normal range is between 85 and 115 with an average of 100.
Below indicates low intelligence. Above indicates high intelligence.
Below you can see what the different results suggest.
Note that there are several different IQ scales, but the most used is the psychologist David Wechsler's IQ scale, which is based on:
69 and below: Very low
70 - 79: Low
80 - 89: Below normal
90 - 109: Average
110 - 119: Over normal
120 - 129: Gifted
130 and above: Genius
Source: Illustreret Videnskab
But does that mean that I can not get a job if, for example, my IQ is now lower than that of the other candidates?
No, that does not mean you will be automatically sifted out if your IQ is lower than that of the other candidates. The IQ test cannot stand alone, and therefore it is often used in connection with the personality test.
However, several studies have shown that there is a relatively strong correlation between one's IQ and one's chances of getting and maintaining a good job and thereby getting a higher income. This is why intelligence tests are increasingly used today as part of the recruitment process.