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An internship is not always easy to find. But one of the reasons why you can not find an internship can be due to the fact that you only look in your immediate area, close to where you live or study.

When you apply for an internship, you should therefore not limit yourself to searching only for internships in the largest cities like: Copenhagen, Paris, Berlin or London

For example, there are a large number of good production companies, and headquarters for all kinds of brands, out in the suburbs of the metropol Copenhagen. So in this case you can choose to apply for an internship in Greater Copenhagen, or more specifically an internship in, for example, Valby or Albertslund.

In fact, you can easily get from A to B by metro, bus, light rail or carpool. Maybe in your job interview you can ask if there are others in the company who live close to you, so you can get a ride back and forth to your internship.


When you are an intern, it is typically a matter of a few months' employment. You must therefore do everything to ensure that you learn as much as possible in the shortest possible time.

The company typically has the same interest in that they would like to benefit from you while you work as an intern in the company.

But do not expect that you can pick and choose between your work tasks, nor do you have the status of being a director. Instead, show through the work assignments that you are given that you are good at your job and that you are a teachable intern.

When you apply for a trainee job, you have definitely given some thought to what type of job you would like. But have you thought about expanding your search so that there is a greater chance of success in landing a job like this?

Let's look at how you can increase your chances.

Apply for an internship

As mentioned earlier, it is an advantage for you if you are searching in a geographically larger area. If, for example, you are looking for internships in communication and marketing, and only want to work at the very large marketing agencies in Copenhagen K near Strøget, then you have made your bottleneck for your job search far too small.

Therefore, apply for an internship at different sizes of companies - both the well-known and the lesser-known companies.

When making your internship application, try to find something that makes you stand out. It could be that you are posting a small video, or otherwise making yourself positively noticed.

Trainee jobs in different industries

If your greatest desire is to get a trainee job in a store, then you can choose to apply narrowly or broadly. If you want to work with beauty products, you can choose to apply for a trainee job in one of the big chains such as Shapora, MAC Cosmetics, Urban Decay Cosmetics, Matas, Nordstrom or Ulta Beauty.

But you can also apply for a trainee job in, for example Macy's, which has an in store department only with beauty products.

In addition, there are all the small retail stores that may not only have beauty products, but also some fashion clothes or accessories.

By thinking broadly in your search for a store opportunity, you will find there are more interesting jobs for you to apply for.

Trainee salary

In general, you can not receive state aid in addition to your trainee's salary when it comes to a meritorious internship. 

Your internship salary can vary from 0 to several thousands depending on the currency. So just check what your internship offers before you say yes thank you for becoming the company's new intern.

Where to find trainee jobs

If you are happy to live where you do now, where your family and friends live, that’s a natural feeling. At some point in your life though, it's time to cut the umbilical cord!

Some choose to take a job abroad in connection with their sabbatical year. After finishing secondary school others choose to continue their studies in, for example: Copenhagen, Stockholm or Berlin.

So when your friends are choosing new paths, then you may want to consider whether or not it is also a good time for you to apply for student placement in a city other than where you currently live.

By also looking for a trainee job in other cities, you increase your chances of success as you are expanding your horizons.

How to find traineeships

What is a good traineeship? It depends a lot on you.

Maybe you have had a good part time job and from there you can find out what you have really enjoyed. When you know what you are happy with, it is also easier for you to ask some questions at the job interview when applying for a traineeship.

You can also choose to go into the store to see if you can talk to a student. Of course, it should not  be at the time when there are many customers in the store. The store student will probably want to tell you why it is good to work in this store.

At the same time, you will show that you are a dedicated applicant who really wants a student job in this particular store.


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