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Recruitment of employees - How do it in the best way


How do you recruit employees - and avoid making the wrong appointments?

Recruitment of both employees and managers is an important part of the overall operation of a company. But how do you attract new employees? We guide you through that in this article.

Recruitment of managers

When recruiting managers, there are several things to keep in mind, including:

  • Professional and personal skills, experience and references
  • The manager's skills in professional management and direct and indirect management

It is important that you think about what qualities and competencies you are looking for with regards to that particular leadership position in your company. What do you value that a future manager should be able to do? What expectations do you have of a manager? Here you can consider expectations for topics such as: behaviour results, goals, renewal, integrating and creating interaction with the remaining employees and so on.

Hiring new managers is therefore an extremely important decision, as managers, which you are probably already aware of, have a major impact on your company and can make a big difference.

Further development of already good management

You have now found your new manager. But how do you further develop management? Here are a few focus areas your company can consider:

  • Focus on management development and possibly get help with coaching, which helps the managers to use the strengths that they already have, but also focuses on the what is a fall group and the sentence isn’t complete, who are also what?
  • Get advice. Ensure that top managers can seek help and advice from an independent third party who can help with dilemmas that may be difficult to talk to others about
  • Develop - or get help developing - a talent programme that can ensure spotting and further development of managerial talent that will lead the company forward in the future
  • Focus on the management environment. Create a space that ensures that the managers can use and further develop the skills they already have

Recruitment of employees

At a time of great labour shortages, recruiting employees can seem like an almost impossible task. Several companies are fighting for talent and the battle for the best candidates is fierce. But nevertheless, it is important that you, in the recruitment of new employees, get the skills, experience and ideas that will ensure your company gets a competent employee who at the same time helps the company to develop further.

So what is good recruiting?

Here you can, for example, make use of employee advocacy, where you use the employees you already have to find the right candidates. You can read much more about employee advocacy and how you can use it in your recruitment in this article.

Another idea could be that you consider alternative methods for recruitment. Think outside the box and consider whether there might be other ways to attract the best and most suitable candidates.

Tips for effective recruitment

Recruitment is about attracting and selecting new, skilled employees for a position in your company. It can be a more difficult task than that. Unemployment is lower than ever before, and this can be felt in many companies that lack labour. See also the article about lack of labour here on the website.

Below we have collected a number of tips on how to make your recruitment more efficient:

1. Search

  • Preparation in the form of research and search criteria (skills, level of experience and so on)
  • Job description
  • Advertising for a future employee

2. Selection of competent candidates

  • Conducting interviews
  • Screening in the form of interviews and tests (cognitive test or IQ test)
  • Rejection of candidates who are not qualified

3. Narrowing down of candidates (final sift)

  • Personal profile
  • Obtaining references and reports (for example, recommendations and criminal records)
  • The final selection of the right candidate

4. Onboarding 

  • Signing and drafting of contract
  • Guide for the new employee:
    • Make sure any questions are answered
    • Support of the new employee
    • Create the right relationships
    • Ensure that the new employee feels comfortable and thus delivers at their highest level

Recruitment - of both employees and managers - is therefore extremely important for the entire organisation. Successful recruitment already starts with good preliminary work, a wellexecuted job advertisement and ongoing information for the candidates. So prioritise time for this.

But how do you avoid wrong recruitment?

Now we have talked a little about how you can deliver effective recruitment, and the opposite of an effective and successful recruitment is poor recruitment. For many, how to avoid bad recruitment may logically be to ensure that you follow the points above, but we still think it makes sense to list them. Getting recruitment wrong can end up costing your company both time and money as well as you have to fire an employee.

If you are of the belief that time is money, poor recruitment is something you would prefer to avoid.

Avoid ineffective recruitment (as much as possible) by:

  • To set aside time for thorough research, job interviews and candidate selection
  • Determine - and explain to the candidate - which tasks and areas of responsibility the person will have and tell them about the goals your company has
  • To define the professional and personal characteristics and values you would like to see in your future employee
  • To define your company culture and framework for the candidate
  • Thinking about the company's future - what does it look like optimally? What can the candidate give your company and vice versa?

If you would like to start your recruitment now, then:

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