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Purpose branding - The essential 5 benefits

Purpose branding

Purpose branding, also known as cause related or mission driven branding, refers to the strategic alignment of a brand's values, mission and actions with a broader social or environmental purpose. It involves integrating social or environmental issues into a brand's identity and messaging in order to differentiate itself, connect with consumers on a deeper level and drive positive impact.

Here are some key aspects and benefits of purpose branding:

  1. Alignment with values: Purpose branding involves identifying a social or environmental issue that aligns with the values and beliefs of the brand and its target audience. By taking a stand on important issues, brands can attract like minded consumers who share their values and want to support businesses that make a positive impact

  2. Authenticity and transparency: Purpose branding requires genuine commitment and action. It goes beyond mere marketing tactics and requires brands to demonstrate transparency and authenticity in their practices. Consumers are increasingly sceptical of greenwashing or purpose washing attempts, so it is essential for brands to back up their purpose driven messaging with tangible actions and measurable outcomes

  3. Emotional connection: Purpose driven brands often create a stronger emotional connection with their audience. By addressing societal or environmental challenges and demonstrating a commitment to positive change, brands can evoke emotions such as empathy, hope and inspiration. This emotional connection can foster brand loyalty and long term customer relationships

  4. Differentiation and competitive advantage: Purpose branding can differentiate a brand in a crowded market. Consumers are increasingly seeking out brands that align with their values and are actively working towards positive change. By positioning themselves as purpose driven, your brand can stand out from your competitors and attract conscious talents who prioritise social and environmental impact

  5. Employee engagement and attraction: Purpose driven brands can also have a positive impact on employee engagement and attraction. Younger generations, in particular, are seeking meaningful work and want to be part of organisations that contribute to a larger purpose. By integrating purpose into their branding, companies can attract and retain top talent who are motivated by the opportunity to make a difference

It is important to note that purpose branding should be approached with sincerity and a long term commitment.  

Let's elaborate on that.

Purpose washing

You may be familiar with greenwashing, which refers to the practice of misleadingly promoting products, services or practices as environmentally friendly or sustainable, while concealing or downplaying their negative environmental impact.

Greenwashing or using purpose washing solely as a marketing tool without substantial action can lead to reputational damage and loss of trust. Therefore, using purposing washing to help you recruit can also be a disaster.

Purpose washing refers to the practice of organisations or businesses exploiting social and environmental causes for their own benefit, without actually implementing meaningful changes or making a positive impact.

There are several reasons why purpose washing can be detrimental:

  1. Lack of authenticity: Purpose washing involves creating an illusion of social responsibility without the substance behind it. This can lead to scepticism and mistrust among stakeholders, including potential employees, customers and investors, who may feel deceived or manipulated

  2. Damage to reputation: When purpose washing is exposed, it can severely damage an organisation's reputation. In today's interconnected world, news and information spread rapidly and any discrepancies between stated values and actual practices can quickly be revealed. This can result in public backlash, loss of customers and a decline in brand loyalty

  3. Employee disillusionment: Employees are increasingly seeking organisations that align with their personal values and are genuinely committed to making a positive impact. When an organisation engages in purpose washing, it can demoralise employees who joined with the expectation of contributing to meaningful change. This can lead to decreased motivation, higher turnover rates and difficulty attracting top talent in the future

  4. Missed opportunities for real impact: Purpose washing diverts attention and resources away from addressing actual social and environmental issues. Instead of investing in sustainable practices, responsible supply chains or community engagement, organisations may prioritise superficial marketing campaigns aimed at projecting a positive image. This hinders progress on important societal challenges

To avoid the pitfalls of purpose washing, your company should prioritise genuine commitment to your stated values and goals. This involves integrating social and environmental considerations into their core strategies, implementing transparent and accountable practices and actively engaging with stakeholders to address concerns and contribute to positive change.

By demonstrating authenticity and taking meaningful action, your company can build trust and credibility, attracting potential employees who share your values.

Another way to build trust is to use: