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Brand value - How to improve recruitment branding

Brand value

Brand value refers to the perceived worth and reputation of a brand in the eyes of its target audience. It represents the intangible attributes and qualities associated with a brand that differentiate it from competitors and influence customer perceptions and decision making.

Brand value encompasses factors such as:

  • Brand recognition
  • Trust
  • Credibility
  • Emotional connection
  • Overall perception of the brand's quality, reliability and relevance

For recruiters, brand value is critical for several reasons:

  1. Attracting top talent: A strong brand value attracts high quality job applicants who are seeking reputable and desirable employers. Candidates are more likely to be attracted to companies with a positive brand image and a track record of providing fulfilling career opportunities

  2. Retaining talent: Brand value plays a significant role in employee engagement and retention. When a company has a strong brand reputation and a positive work culture, employees are more likely to feel proud and satisfied with their association with the brand. This, in turn, increases employee loyalty and reduces turnover rates

  3. Competitive advantage in recruitment: In a competitive job market, companies with a strong brand value have an edge in attracting top talent. They can leverage their reputation, values and benefits to differentiate themselves from competitors and entice candidates to choose them over other opportunities

  4. Employee referrals: A strong brand value encourages employees to become brand advocates and recommend their company as an employer to their networks. Positive word of mouth from satisfied employees can significantly impact the recruitment process and attract high quality candidates through employee referrals

  5. Cost effective recruitment: Building a strong brand value reduces the need for excessive recruitment efforts and expenditures. Candidates are more likely to proactively seek out opportunities with companies they perceive positively, reducing the reliance on extensive advertising and recruitment campaigns

  6. Employer branding: Brand value is closely tied to employer branding, which is the way a company is perceived as an employer. By actively managing and enhancing their brand value, recruiters can shape a positive employer brand image, creating a pool of candidates who are enthusiastic about joining the organisation

  7. Long term organisational success: A strong brand value contributes to long term organisational success by attracting and retaining top talent. Companies with a positive employer brand image and a talented workforce are better positioned to innovate, grow and adapt to market changes

Recruiters understand the importance of brand value in attracting, engaging and retaining top talent. They actively promote and communicate the company's brand value proposition to create a favourable impression among job seekers and build a strong talent pipeline for the organisation.

Therefore, let's focus on brand building to gain brand value.

Brand building

Building a brand through:

  • Perception
  • Value
  • Awareness

requires a strategic and consistent approach. Here are some key steps to help you in the process:

  1. Define your brand identity: Clearly articulate your brand's: Purpose, values and personality. Understand what sets your brand apart and what you want to be known for. This forms the foundation of your brand and shapes the perception you want to build

  2. Understand your target audience: Identify your target audience and gain insights into their needs, preferences and aspirations. This knowledge will help you tailor your brand messaging and experiences to resonate with them effectively

  3. Craft a compelling brand story: Develop a compelling narrative that communicates your brand's value proposition and resonates with your target audience. Your brand story should highlight what makes your brand unique and the benefits it offers to customers or employees

  4. Consistently deliver on your brand promise: Build trust and credibility by consistently delivering on your brand promise. Ensure that the experiences, products or services associated with your brand consistently align with the values and expectations you've communicated

  5. Enhance brand perception through experiences: Create positive and memorable experiences that reinforce your brand's values and differentiate you from competitors. This includes touchpoints such as customer service, user interfaces, packaging and employee interactions. Strive to exceed expectations and create emotional connections with your audience

  6. Communicate your brand's values and benefits: Effectively communicate your brand's values, benefits and unique selling points through various channels. Leverage marketing and advertising campaigns, social media, content marketing, public relations and other communication channels to reach your target audience and raise awareness of your brand

  7. Foster brand advocacy: Encourage your customers, employees and other stakeholders to become brand advocates. Engage with them, provide excellent customer experiences and actively listen to their feedback. Positive word of mouth and testimonials can significantly influence brand perception and raise awareness

  8. Monitor and adapt: Regularly monitor brand perception and gather feedback from your target audience. Assess how your brand is perceived, measure brand awareness and make adjustments to your strategies and tactics as needed

Please remember that building a brand is a long term process that requires consistency, authenticity and ongoing effort.

It is essential to continually evaluate and refine your branding initiatives to align with evolving market dynamics and the applicants' expectations.

Talking about the expectations of the applicants, it's crucial to understand how big the impact of perception is.

Brand perception

Brand perception is the sum of an applicant's:

  • Feelings
  • Experiences
  • Thoughts about a company

It goes beyond what a brand claims to represent and encompasses what applicants actually believe the brand represents based on their interactions and observations.

Applicants form their perception of a company's brand through various touchpoints, including:

  • The company's online presence
  • Employee testimonials
  • Recruitment process
  • Conversations with current or former employees
  • General industry reputation

These interactions shape their beliefs and expectations about the company as an employer.

The applicant's perception of a brand is influenced by their personal experiences, interactions, and interpretations. It may be influenced by factors such as: The company's reputation, culture, values, work environment, opportunities for growth and alignment with the applicant's own aspirations and values.

It's important to state that brand perception is subjective and can differ among individuals.

Therefore, it's essential for companies to be mindful of the applicant's perspective and strive to create positive experiences and interactions that align with their desired brand image. By consistently delivering on your promises and actively managing your employer brand, your company can help shape a favourable brand perception among applicants.

What decides how your company brand is perceived by a job applicant?

Applicant perception

When it comes to how a company brand is perceived by job applicants, several factors come into play. Here are some key determinants:

  1. Reputation and Employer branding: The reputation of a company and its employer branding efforts greatly influence how it is perceived by job applicants. Positive word of mouth, industry recognition and awards can contribute to a favourable brand perception. Additionally, your company's efforts to promote your values, culture and benefits through its employer branding initiatives can shape how applicants perceive your brand

  2. Company culture and values: Job applicants often consider a company's culture and values when evaluating a potential employer. Companies with a positive and inclusive work culture, strong values and a focus on employee well being are more likely to be perceived favourably by applicants. If a company's values align with the applicant's own beliefs and aspirations, it can positively influence their perception of the brand

  3. Opportunities for growth and development: Job applicants are attracted to companies that offer opportunities for growth, learning and career development. Companies that invest in employee training programmes, provide clear career paths and foster a culture of learning and development are more likely to be perceived as attractive employers

  4. Compensation and benefits: The compensation and benefits offered by a company play a significant role in how it is perceived by job applicants. Competitive salaries, comprehensive benefits packages and additional perks such as flexible work arrangements or wellness programmes can positively influence the perception of the brand as an employer

  5. Recruitment and hiring process: The applicant's experience during the recruitment and hiring process can shape their perception of the company brand. A smooth, transparent and respectful process that provides clear communication, timely updates and a positive candidate experience can contribute to a favourable brand perception

  6. Employee testimonials and reviews: Job applicants often seek information and insights from current or former employees to assess a company's brand as an employer. Positive employee testimonials, online reviews or feedback about the company's work environment, management and career opportunities can influence an applicant's perception of the brand

  7. Industry presence and opportunities: The industry presence and reputation of a company can impact brand perception among job applicants. Companies that are leaders or innovators in their industry or those associated with exciting projects or opportunities, may be perceived more favourably by applicants

Please bear in mind that every job applicant is unique. Their perception of a company brand can be influenced by personal preferences, career goals and individual experiences.

You may focus on aligning your employer brand messaging and efforts with your target audience's expectations and values to enhance your brand perception among applicants.

An interesting way to build brand value among applicants is to build a talent programme, and let the talents tell the best stories about your company like influencers do.