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How to use employer branding to secure employee retention

Employer branding and employee retention

Employer branding refers to the process of building and promoting a company's reputation as an employer, to attract and retain talent.

By creating a strong employer brand, your company can differentiate from your competitors and build a positive image that will help you attract and retain talent.

To create employee retention, which is a key part of your employer branding strategy, you can consider the following:

  1. Communicate a clear mission and vision: Make sure your employees understand the purpose and values of your company. This helps create a sense of purpose and belonging amongst your workforce, which can improve employee retention

  2. Competitive pay and benefits packages: These are key to retaining top talent. Make sure your compensation and benefits packages are on par with industry standards and adjust them as necessary to stay competitive

  3. Invest in employee development: Provide opportunities for training and development to help employees learn new skills and advance their careers within your organisation. This can make them feel valued and invested in your company, leading to higher retention rates

  4. Foster a positive work culture: A positive work culture can improve employee morale, productivity and retention. Encourage teamwork, open communication and recognition of achievements to create a positive and supportive work environment

  5. Listen to employee feedback: Create channels for employees to provide feedback and act on that feedback to make improvements in the workplace. This shows that you value their input and can lead to higher employee satisfaction and retention

By implementing these strategies, you can build a strong employer brand and improve your employee retention rates. The best way to start is to focus on: Employee involvement, content and feedback.

employer branding

Let's start with the employee involvement and see how to do it.

Employee involvement

Employee involvement is a management strategy that encourages employees to actively participate in the decision making process of an organisation.

This approach is based on the belief that involving employees in decisions that affect them can increase their engagement, motivation and commitment to the company. Here are some ways to promote employee involvement in your organisation:

  1. Encourage open communication: Create an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas and concerns with management. This can be achieved through regular meetings, surveys and feedback sessions

  2. Empower employees: Give employees the freedom to make decisions and take ownership of their work. Encourage them to come up with new ideas and take risks. This can help build a culture of innovation and creativity

  3. Offer training and development programs: Help employees acquire new skills and knowledge. This can improve their performance and give them a sense of growth and progression within the organisation

  4. Recognise and reward contributions: Acknowledge and reward employees for their contributions and achievements. This can include verbal recognition, promotions, bonuses and other incentives

  5. Involve employees in decision making processes that affect their work. This can include brainstorming sessions, focus groups, and team meetings. By involving employees in decisions, they will feel valued and invested in the success of the organisation

By promoting employee involvement, you can create a more engaged and motivated workforce, leading to improved retention rates which is the foundation of the next step. How to motivate your employees to make great content for your employer branding campaign.

Employee content

Employee content refers to the type of content your employees are producing for your company. The formats can be due to the employees use of social media like: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and other social media platforms.

The employees might be a lot better than you at producing content. The reason for this is:

  • They can provide firsthand accounts of their experiences working for the organisation. Employee experiences are authentic and can provide a personal touch to employer branding efforts
  • Employees can share their experiences through a variety of channels, including social media, review sites, word of mouth and more. Their testimonials can help showcase the company culture, work life balance, career development opportunities and other benefits that come with working for your organisation
  • Additionally, employee testimonials can help to humanise the company and create a more relatable image

Overall, employees can be powerful ambassadors for your organisation and play a key role in your employer branding efforts.

employee feedback

By encouraging and amplifying their positive experiences, you can help to attract and retain talent and build a strong employer brand.

To improve your employer brand feedback is also important.

Employee feedback

Employee feedback is an important tool for improving employee engagement, morale and retention. Here are some ways to gather and act on employee feedback:

  1. Conduct regular employee surveys to gather feedback on different aspects of the workplace. This can include questions about job satisfaction, communication, company culture and more

  2. Host focus groups to gather feedback from small groups of employees. This can be a more in depth way to gather feedback on specific topics

  3. Schedule regular one on one meetings with employees to discuss their experiences and gather feedback. This can be a more personal way to gather feedback and address any individual concerns.

  4. Provide anonymous feedback channels, such as suggestion boxes or online forms, for employees to share their feedback without fear of retaliation

  5. Act on the feedback that you receive from employees. Share the results of surveys and focus groups with employees and develop action plans to address any concerns that are raised.

By gathering and acting on employee feedback, you can improve employee engagement and retention. 

The final step for you is to make a plan and implement it in your company. If you would like to have an online meeting with an expert (free of charge) then please feel free to click below.