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Gen Z in the workplace - How to develop their talent

Generation Z in the workplace

The young generation (Generation Z) in the workplace is purpose driven. But what about talent and personality? Let's see.

All three, purpose, talent and personality, are important in their own way and their relative importance may vary depending on the context and situation. Here's a brief overview of each:

  1. Purpose: Having a sense of purpose or meaning in one's work can be a powerful motivator and can help individuals stay engaged and committed to their job. People who feel like their work is aligned with their values and goals may be more satisfied and fulfilled in their work

  2. Talent: Talent refers to an individual's natural abilities and strengths. Having a talent for a particular skill or task can help an individual perform well in their job and can contribute to their overall success and satisfaction in their work

  3. Personality: Personality traits such as openness, conscientiousness and agreeableness can all play a role in job performance and satisfaction. Individuals with certain personality traits may be better suited for certain types of roles or work environments

Ultimately, the importance of each of these factors will depend on the individual and their specific job and work environment. For example, in a highly technical role, talent may be more important, while in a role that requires a lot of collaboration and teamwork, personality and the ability to work well with others may be more important.

It's important for you as an employer to recognise the value of each of these factors and to work to cultivate a sense of purpose, develop talents and build upon Generation Z's strengths and personality traits to succeed in their work and achieve their goals.

It poses an interesting question: Can Generation Z choose a career without knowing their talent? Indeed. Let's see why?

How to develop talent

Choosing a career path can be a challenging decision, especially for young people who may not yet have a clear sense of their talents and strengths. Here are a few tips to help young people choose a career path without knowing their talent:

  1. Self exploration: Encourage young people to spend some time exploring their interests and passions. This might involve trying out new hobbies, volunteering in their community, or taking on new challenges. By exploring different areas of interest, young people can start to gain a sense of what they enjoy and what they are good at

  2. Career assessments: There are a variety of career assessments and aptitude tests available that can help young people identify their strengths, interests and potential career paths. These assessments can provide valuable insights and guidance that can help young people make informed decisions about their future

  3. Informational interviews: Encourage young people to speak with professionals who work in fields that interest them. Informational interviews can provide valuable insights into what a particular career involves, what skills and talents are required and what the job market looks like

  4. Job shadowing and internships: Getting hands on experience in a particular field can be a great way for young people to test the waters and see if a particular career is a good fit for them. Job shadowing or interning with a professional in a field of interest can provide valuable experience and help young people make informed decisions about their career path

So how to identify talent potential?

Identifying talent potential

Identifying talent potential involves looking for certain traits, characteristics and behaviors that suggest an individual has the potential to excel in a particular area or role.

Here are some strategies that can help identify talent potential:

  1. Look for passion: Individuals who are passionate about a particular area or activity are often more likely to have the potential to excel in that area. Look for individuals who demonstrate a genuine interest and enthusiasm for the work

  2. Observe work performance: Observe an individual's work performance to identify their strengths and areas for improvement. Individuals who consistently perform well and are able to adapt to new challenges may have the potential to excel in their roles

  3. Assess personality and cognitive ability: Assessing an individual's personality and cognitive ability can help identify traits that are associated with high performance in certain roles. For example: Individuals who are conscientious, adaptable and curious are often more likely to excel in demanding and dynamic roles

  4. Identify potential for growth: Look for individuals who demonstrate a willingness to learn, take on new challenges and seek out feedback. These individuals may have the potential to grow and develop their skills over time.

  5. Use assessments: There are a variety of assessments available that can help identify talent potential, such as cognitive ability tests, personality tests and skills assessments

Methods to discover talent in the workplace

Here are a few methods that can help individuals identify and nuture their talents:

  1. Self reflection: Take some time to reflect on your own abilities, strengths and areas of expertise. Consider what comes easily to you, what you enjoy doing and what others have complimented you on in the past

  2. Feedback from others: Seek out feedback from friends, family, colleagues or mentors about your strengths and abilities. They may be able to offer insights or perspectives that you may not have considered on your own

  3. Aptitude tests: Aptitude tests can provide valuable insights into an individual's natural abilities and potential areas of talent. There are many different types of aptitude tests available, ranging from general tests to more specific tests that are tailored to particular fields or industries

  4. Career assessments: Similar to aptitude tests, career assessments can help individuals identify their strengths, interests and potential career paths. Many career assessments are available online and can be completed in a relatively short amount of time

  5. Journaling: Keeping a journal or log of accomplishments, successes and challenges can help individuals identify patterns and trends in their abilities and talents. This can be particularly helpful for identifying talents that may not be immediately obvious

Still there are blind spots to discover by young talents.

How to find talent blind spots

Finding talent blind spots can be challenging, as they are often areas that individuals may not be aware of or may not have had the opportunity to develop.

Here are a few strategies that can help individuals identify their talent blind spots:

  1. Seek feedback from others: Ask trusted friends, family members, colleagues or mentors for feedback on your strengths and areas for improvement. They may be able to offer insights or perspectives that you haven't considered

  2. Try new things: Challenge yourself to try new experiences or take on new challenges that are outside of your comfort zone. This can help you identify areas where you may have hidden talents or abilities

  3. Assess your weaknesses: Take some time to reflect on areas where you may have weaknesses or areas for improvement. By addressing these areas, you may uncover hidden talents or abilities that you hadn't previously considered

  4. Take aptitude tests: Aptitude tests can help identify areas of natural talent or ability that may not be immediately obvious. There are many different types of aptitude tests available, ranging from general tests to more specific tests that are tailored to particular fields or industries

  5. Work with a coach or mentor: Working with a coach or mentor can be a valuable way to identify and develop talents. A coach or mentor can offer guidance, support and feedback as you work to develop new skills and abilities

How to make high performing teams? It's a huge topic, but let's focus on the key points here.

High performing teams

Creating a high performing team requires more than simply assembling a group of talented individuals. Here are some strategies that can help make high performing teams:

  1. Set clear goals: Ensure that the team has a clear understanding of what they are working towards and what success looks like. This can help focus the team's efforts and create a sense of purpose

  2. Define roles and responsibilities: Clearly define each team member's role and responsibilities. This can help prevent confusion and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals

  3. Foster open communication: Encourage open communication among team members. This can help build trust, promote collaboration and ensure that everyone is on the same page

  4. Build trust: Create a culture of trust by being transparent and honest with team members. This can help foster a sense of psychological safety, where team members feel comfortable taking risks and sharing their thoughts and ideas

  5. Encourage diversity and inclusion: Ensure that the team is diverse and inclusive. This can help create a sense of belonging and bring a variety of perspectives and ideas to the table

  6. Provide support and resources: Ensure that team members have the resources and support they need to succeed. This can include providing training, mentoring or coaching

  7. Celebrate successes: Celebrate the team's successes and accomplishments. This can help build morale and create a sense of pride and ownership

At the very start of this article we focused on: Purpose, talent and personality. Therefore, the final step is to create a: