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How to strengthen your: Employer Branding Strategy via the UN's 17 global goals

Strengthen your employer branding strategy with the UN's 17 global goals

Strengthen your employer branding strategy with the UN's 17 global goals

A green company attracts more employees and gains a better reputation.

These are not just facts, but can also become a reality for your company if your company takes its share of the responsibility by creating a green corporate strategy that is based on the UN's 17 global goals.

If your company has not already implemented these global goals and wants to know how you can become competitive in the green transition, then there is good reason to read on in this article.

What are the 17 world goals?

The UN has created the most ambitious global development agenda to date by setting 17 goals and 169 sub goals, which must move the world in a greener and more sustainable direction. The 17 goals read as follows:


  • Eradicate poverty

  • Sustainable cities and communities

  • Decent jobs and economic growth

  • Sustainable energy

  • Climate action

  • Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • Gender equality

  • Less inequality

  • Stop hunger

  • Partnerships for action

  • Responsible consumption and production

  • Clean water and sanitation

  • Life on land

  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  • Quality education

  • Health and wellbeing

  • Life in the sea



The goals are universal and therefore apply to the whole world. If it is to be possible to tick all the targets, it is necessary that companies, managers, governments, organisations, NGOs and citizens contribute.

But how can these world goals be relevant in relation to employer branding? You can learn more about this in the next section.


Strengthen your employer branding with the global goals

You can start with the recruitment process. Companies that have green profiles attract more applicants in their recruitment process.

Therefore, the recruitment process is a good place to start when it comes to employer branding. You can do this by sending your employees and applicants a sign that you focus on the green and sustainable values in the company.

In this way, you can achieve a more valuable recruitment process.

But how can our company use these world goals, you might think? This will be elaborated on in the next section.

Good storytelling

You can start with the recruitment process. Companies that have green profiles attract more applicants in their recruitment process.

Therefore, the recruitment process is a good place to start when it comes to employer branding. You can do this by sending your employees and applicants a sign that you focus on the green and sustainable values in the company.

In this way, you can achieve a more valuable recruitment process.

But how can our company use these world goals, you might think? This will be elaborated on in the next section.

How can the HR department take part in the 17 global goals?

The world's goals can seem unmanageable because the goals are so big.

But if all companies try to make a small difference, it can change the big picture.

There has been a great focus on gender equality.

This is both to ensure equal rights for everyone, but can also increase your company's results.

Diversity has proven to be a great advantage in workplaces, as we are all different and can thus contribute with different skills.

Therefore, your company can try to be unbiased when it comes to the recruitment process, thereby securing different results than you have previously achieved.

You can decide where your business premises are located.

Is it a place where emphasis is placed on sustainable operation of the company?

In addition, you can see if there could be room in the budget to donate to organisations that are trying to make a difference in relation to world goals.

The global goals do not exclusively focus on climate, therefore the global goals help your company to get all the way around sustainability.

Sustainable management

Reducing inequality and discrimination and working with candidates and clients in a considerate and respectful way is also part of sustainable management, which is a big part of working with HR.

You can read more about that by clicking at the button below.
