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Why employee advocacy? See all the good arguments here

Why employee advocacy?

If you are sitting right now and considering whether employee advocacy is a good idea, or you are already convinced, but just need the final arguments to convince the management, then you have landed in exactly the right place.

Employee advocacy versus Employer branding

There are a lot of good arguments for doing employee advocacy. Let's look at some of the arguments:


Employee advocacy

Employer branding


Not authentic


Corporate image



Creates personal relationships

Creates a contact


Therefore, you can say: Employer branding is good, but employee advocacy is better.

The reason is that employee advocacy is authentic and therefore has a higher degree of credibility. The corporate image in employer branding is decoded by generation Z as less trustworthy.

In addition, we must not forget that employee advocacy helps to create a community in the company. A project that everyone wants to hear about, or participate in, if you do it the right way. You can read more about that here.

Goals you can achieve in HR

Både når du arbejder med rekruttering og arbejdsglæde i virksomheden, kan employee advocacy bruges.

Both when you work with recruitment and job satisfaction in the company, employee advocacy can be used.

In relation to recruitment:

  • Do the job seekers feel that the employees are the most trustworthy sources
  • You can also achieve that the field of applicants are better qualified because they are better prepared for both the application process, the onboarding and the work in the company
  • Employees share job postings to a greater extent
  • You save time and money on recruiting the best candidates
  • You get fewer resignations as the new hires stay longer with the company

In relation to job satisfaction, it is about:

  • The participants in your ambassador corps get the focus and are appreciated. You can therefore advantageously measure the job satisfaction of the participants, before and after the participation among your digital employee ambassadors
  • You achieve higher employee engagement. It is the feeling of being part of a community and becoming part of something bigger than ourselves

One of your goals with employer advocacy can therefore be, to be a facilitator of a transformation through the following stages, which are outlined in the ME-to-WE-Continuum model (Thompson, Anne Bahr, Harvard Business Review, 2015)

  1. Me: If the employee does not trust the employer, commitment may be at a low level
  2. Mine: About enriching the employee's privacy. If the employee performs well on the job, then the employee takes good energy home to their family, whereby a good snowball effect can be achieved
  3. Ours: Here the focus is on the ethical business code and EVP. There must be power behind the words. Value policy is absolute. You are not 25% or 75% for human rights or sustainability if it is to appear credible
  4. Common: The sense of community arises when the employee feels that there are common interests and values. That there is a sense of pride in being together on a project such as employee advocacy
  5. We: Here the employee can help influence the company's image via their relationships on social media. I want to work with talented colleagues, so I want to help the company with my personal brand

Via employee advocacy, you also share the employees' Why. You can read more about that here.

Bring silent knowledge to light

Try to imagine that you are walking in a shopping mall. You are welcome to look in the windows, but you cannot see what interesting products are on the shelves.

This is also the case if you do not use employee advocacy.

A job posting is appreciated, but it is one way communication. Employee advocacy, on the other hand, is a dialogue where interested job applicants can be inspired and get answers to questions.

If we take the metaphor of the shop window, we can say:

  • Now you just have direct access to hear what the store assistant can tell you and see the interesting goods on the shelves
  • Who knows, maybe this particular store is twice as interesting as the competing store right next door?

The good news is that some of your employees are already well on their way to sharing job postings and news about your company, because it is completely natural today.

Your job is simply to get everything structured and optimised so that everyone can see that you work in the world's best workplace.

If you feel convinced, the next step is to get one started.

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